Monday 31 October 2016

Basics Every CNC Machinist and CNC Programmer Should Know

Basics Every CNC Machinist and
CNC Programmer Should Know

We were impressed at how many readers can write g-code programs from scratch. In fact the overwhelming majority read, write, or tweak programs on a regular basis. If you're not yet able to do that, you should learn. If you're at the "Read or Tweak" stage, you should advance to being able to write programs from scratch.
Armed with a good understanding of g-code, you can:
- Avoid having to run back to your CAM program when simple changes to the g-code would do the job.
- Learn how to improve the g-code the CAM program puts out for better results.
- Understand better how to tweak your CAM software's post processor so it produces better code from the start.
- Get a second opinion on the CAM's g-code before you find out something's wrong at the machine.
- Figure out what's wrong when your CAM generated g-code isn't doing what you'd expect.
- Make it faster and easier to fix the g-code when you run into a problem due to a bug in the CAM or post processor.
- Create quick and dirty g-code programs that allow you to get on with machining faster without having to sit down with your CAD/CAM.
- Develop a greater facility for working at the console of the machine directly.
These are all valuable skills that increase your productivity as a CNC machinist. According to the survey, many of you have already figured that out!

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